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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Feeling Like "Damaged Goods"?

Dear Beloved,

I remember feeling like "damaged goods" when the doctor told me I had herpes in February 2011. Immediately, I began feeling like I was good for nothing and no one would ever want me. The thoughts of feeling unwanted and unusable flooded my mind. Even when I got saved and learned God could heal me, I still had this feeling of I'm "dirty". The first time I really experienced breakthrough in this was when I was in church. We guest preacher speaking to us and she started ministering to us as God led her. In the midst of her talking, I heard her say YOU ARE NOT DAMAGED GOODS, GOD HAS NOT THROWN YOU AWAY! This lady didn't know me from a hole in the wall, nor did anyone in the church know my situation. I KNEW it was God speaking to me. The very words that I had been believing concerning my life, God said that's not true! I was standing in the aisle in the back of the church when she said it and I literally dropped to the ground and started crying. 

I was reminded of this when I read Isaiah 6 this week. Isaiah was a prophet of God in the Old Testament. To be prophet back then meant you had a VERY close relationship with God. You couldn't live a completely outrageous, rebellious life and hear God speak great words of instruction to the nations. So Isaiah had to be surrendered to God. Yet, even when a person is surrendered, that's not equal to perfect like God. There's still shortcomings and sin nature that's being fought everyday. When Isaiah got in the presence of God, all the ways he's fallen short became so apparent:

Woe is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst
of people of unclean lips: for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.
(Isaiah 6:5)

Isaiah, the prophet says out of his own mouth he's an unclean, sinful man. In the presence of God, he felt unworthy. I feel like he related to how I felt of being "damaged goods" and how you may feel as well. He said "Woe is him", which essentially means, he's damned. What hope is there for him? However, this was God's response:

Then on of the seraphims (angels) flew to me with a burning coal in his hand, which he had
taken with tongs off the altar. And he laid it upon my mouth and said, this has
touched your lips and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is purged
(Isaiah 6:6-7)

God used His angel to cleanse Isaiah. Isaiah thought he was done for and there was no hope, yet God said you're worthy to me, your usable to me and I WILL MAKE YOU WHOLE. This is exactly what God did for me! When the world said I was damaged goods, God said not so! God doesn't make damaged goods. Just God saw that Isaiah was still worthy to him and He used His angel to cleanse him and take away his sin, God sent Jesus Christ on the cross and by his blood he cleanses our sin and shame today. The thought of being "damaged goods is a lie of the enemy. It's another mindset he uses to further breed hopelessness. But Jesus came that every soul that would call on him would be set FREE!. YOU ARE NOT DAMAGED GOODS! YOU ARE NOT UNUSABLE! You are God's precious creation and if you allow Him, like Isaiah did, He will meet you and cleanse you from every shame the devil has placed over you. I encourage you today beloved to pray God burns that lie out of your mind with His coal of fire and know that when the world may not choose you, God DOES. 

May your hope be in Jesus Christ,


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