"But then I will win her (Israel) back once again. I will lead her out into a desert and speak tenderly to her there. I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope."
The previous Hope Letter was written to anyone who felt like a prostitute that God could never love and that hope was out of their reach. This letter referenced the book of Hosea because the entire book is about the nation of Israel prostituting and cheating on the ONE TRUE GOD by worshiping pagan false gods and idols. HOWEVER, through out the whole book God is saying He desires to forgive, He desires to love His children, He desires to redeem and renew the relationship. That is the context for today's scripture, we ARE the modern day children of Israel. We've sinned against God and lived our lives for ourselves, yet He says He will WIN us back, meaning God is will to pursue and fight for our hearts. For YOUR HEART.
God not only says He wants to fight for us, but He says He will transform our valley of trouble into a GATEWAY OF HOPE. When I contracted herpes in 2011, if anyone would've ever told me that God was going to turn this pain and hardship into hope, I would've said "Shut your lying mouth and get out my face!" I was in a deep, dark, lonely valley of trouble and that's all I saw. I didn't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, so the idea of hope was no where in sight. I was in darkness and darkness was in me. The enemy had me surrounded with thoughts of hopelessness and the trouble I was in was now my life.
Valley and Gateway are two words to describe a path of connection, both are used to get from a point A to a point B. When I was in sin with my ex, I chose that path. That path became a dark valley of trouble, but it's what I willingly chose. Since I willingly chose the Valley of Trouble, logic says that I should accept the consequences and live in trouble forever. Sure worldly logic would say that, but GOD'S WORD IS NOT WORLDLY LOGIC. God's word is LOVE and FORGIVENESS. God's word says He can redeem our decisions or the consequences of someone else's decisions in our life and He can TRANSFORM our Valley of Trouble into a GATEWAY OF HOPE! The Valley leads to death, but the Gateway leads to Life and Hope in Jesus Christ! No matter how troublesome your valley is, God wants to transform it. He wants you to cry out and surrender your life to Him by admitting you're a sinner and asking for forgiveness from Jesus Christ. Declare that Christ died for your sins and rose again. Ask Him to take control of your life and help you live for him. Once you do this, God will begin to transform your Valley. I know because He did it for me on January 2, 2012. I love you so much my friend and I pray you repent and allow God to change your path from a Valley to a GATEWAY OF HOPE.
May your hope be in Jesus Christ,
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